Cedar Ridge



After the head Shepherd which is Jesus Christ there are under shepherds such as the Pastors and Elders as the spiritual leadership. The deacons and servants in the church make up the physical leadership. They do the cleaning of the church, lead some of the programs, visit the nursing homes, feed the poor and clothe the naked. They serve the spiritual leadership that they may focus on prayer and the ministry of the Word. The Pastor’s primary responsibility is to oversee the spiritual development in the church. The Pastor’s are to give themselves continuously to prayer and the ministry of the Word of God. The main priority of the Pastors is to spend quality time in the presence of God so they can have a Word from the throne of Grace to deliver to the church. There are many places that hinder the work of the Holy Spirit because their pastor’s are doing most of the programs and little things around the House of God. Take care of your leadership!

Next stop - Brighton


Scriptural references

  1. 1.Acts 6:1-4

Online resources

Structure of the Church

Image Author: Eternal Trianglehttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Volokolamskaya_station_(Moscow_Metro).jpg