Newton Junction



Infallibility means trustworthy whereas inerrancy means without error. The historical accuracy and moral message of the Bible has time and again been verified as true record. The argument that the Bible contains error is usually based more on hearsay than on research. The research conducted on it's historical accuracy continues to be verified.

The argument that the Bible contains error because it is translated by men is based more on hearsay than on research. The Bible continues to be the most widely translated book in the world. It has been carefully copied from the closest historically dated copies of the original scripts. Those carefully created copies have been widely distributed through out the world. The people that translate scriptures, from the original language to the vernacular of the people, hold an analogous level of accountability as mathematicians to the accuracy of mathematical formulas. An accepted formula is not proven wrong when a result is found to be inaccurate. Instead the error is found in the application of the formula, missteps in calculation or data from the user. Additionally, there is a community to correct the error.  The translations of the Bible have been found, over hundreds of years, to be 99% accurate translations of the original language of the scripts.

Translation must be differentiated from interpretation which then goes toward life application. People have the liberty to interpret any communication. They can then use that interpretation to feed their understanding. It is the understanding, or lack of it, which then leads to an application.  Error is usually found between interpretation and application. More often people are thinking about bad interpretation of scripture and attribute that bad interpretation as an error of the Bible. Applying the error of another person (or group of people) to the Bible is the same as applying error to a mathematical formula misused by it's user. The formula is still valid, it's the user that is in error.

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Scripture references

  1. 1.2 Timothy 3:15-17

  2. 2.1 Thessalonians 2:13

  3. 3.2 Peter 1:21

Online resources

